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October 27th, 2010

Greetings! Good word from us after Hurricane Richard passed by, making landfall just north of Dangriga, far enough away from us to spare us from any damages. So we're up and running, now that power and water is back...

April 20th, 2010

Alright, that line about "a year passed by again" is getting stale, we just have to accept the fact that we're not very online-active, please have mercy :-)
The biggest change around here is - like always - the now almost 2 and a half year old, three feet tall terminator. He's a blast but also a hand full, and now he knows about his weaponry - just can't get mad when he looks at you, feel free 'n try it!
Big cheers going out to Momo & Bastai who where here for half a year to do volunteer work on their project called "Safe & Sound - Music For Future", a song competition for Belizeans about HIV and it's prevention. They pulled it off and made an album with the top 16 songs which is distributed for free in Belize and elsewhere. Find out more about it and download the album on their website!
Although a great project, it drained the budget pan of our NGO "HIV-Belize e.V.". Feel free to surf the sites of our organization:
Donations are greatly welcomed :o)

So much from here, let's hope for another good year...

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